

That itch you feel isn't Jack Frost nipping at your nose--it's The Mattachine Machine inching down your chimney! Flush with the spirit of giving, we offer you this special holiday edition of the Portion Control Podcast.

Stuff That Stocking!: A cornucopia of Funky Hymns, Mistletoe Muzak, Dubious Piety, Heathen Rhythms and Pagan Invocations, Humbug Bombast, Seasonal Schmaltz, Political Broadsides, and Unforgivable Lapses in Taste.

Perfect for whiling away the hours in line to see Santa, those uncertain holiday party moments before the eggnog kicks in, or when you need a little friendly fire in the war on Christmas!

What's that, Virginia? You don't subscribe? Naughty.
Do it with itunes here: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=332445860